AHPC Preservation in Progress – Hotel Bentley
The AHPC is excited to announce the recipient of our July 2015 Preservation in Progress Award: Michael Jenkins for The Hotel Bentley. While its preservation is still “in progress,” due to the magnitude of the project, the award is well-earned. The ongoing renovation of the Hotel Bentley has not escaped […]
Bentley’s rich history kept alive
Hotel’s connection to Louisiana maneuvers, WWII celebrated through new lobby display George Patton and other iconic American generals, slept, ate, sometimes caroused and planned the liberation of Europe within the walls of the Hotel Bentley. A display unveiled in the Bentley’s lobby Friday will introduce to future guests the Alexandria […]
Bentley’s Mirror Room to open Friday
The Mirror Room Lounge of the Hotel Bentley will open to the public at 4 p.m. Friday. Hotel owner Michael Jenkins said this is the first stage of the reopening of the 107-year-old hotel that has been closed for 11 years. The opening of the Mirror Room, initially planned for […]
Hotel Bentley in Alexandria could reopen in two months
The Hotel Bentley will reopen in March, owner Michael Jenkins hopes. Jenkins bought the downtown Alexandria hotel in October 2012 and is overseeing a complete restoration and renovation of the historic property. It has not been easy. “It has been one thing after another,” said Jenkins, an entrepreneur noted for […]
Hotel Bentley Sold!
On October 11, 2012, the Bentley Hotel was sold to Hotel Bentley of Alexandria LLC, headed by local entrepreneur and preservationist Michael Jenkins. The Mirror Room opened on May 1, 2015, and work on reopening other parts of the hotel continues.